Many of us don't need an excuse to drink beer – we could crack a cold one to celebrate our team winning or chug a brew to drown sorrows from a big loss. A beer is a great reward after a solid day of work and a way to forget a bad one. As it turns out drinking a beer after a bike ride isn't just a well-deserved gift, it could be a 'requirement' thanks to the numerous health benefits of a post-race barley pop. REHYDRATES While an electrolyte boosting drink is probably your best bet after a long ride, if the debate comes down to water or beer an ale is the true winner. A study at Granada University in Spain has shown that the sugars and salts in a beer help people absorb fluids more efficiently than water alone. Basically you'd have to drink much more water to get the hydration effects of beer, which will leave you more bloated and less prone to sing karaoke. BOOSTS MUSCLE GROWTH While bicycling is fun, relaxing, and a great group activity it also poses quite a workout no matter what your intensity. Persistent pedaling is one of the best ways to build up your glutes and hamstrings which you may find are burning after a good ride. When you work your muscles they break down and must be built back up by your body wherein a post-ride beer has a double benefit. First off beer has almost as many antioxidants as red wine which helps your leg muscles recover. Second a good beer has pain-relieving qualities that will take your focus off your throbbing thighs and more on the creepy guy eying you up at the end of the bar. DAILY BEER BENEFITS There are a number of health benefits to drinking one or two beers a day, although 17 not so much. Your daily brew helps heart strength, leads to stronger bones, boosts your brain health to stave off dementia and alzheimers in addition to a number of other mental, sexual, and physical positives. What better time to check that daily beer or two off your list than after a demanding yet rewarding bike ride? After all it sure beats getting the beer checked off your list on the way to work in the morning. STATE OF MIND BENEFITS Perhaps more than anything a beer after a bike ride is simply relaxing. It helps you bond with your friends and talk about the days trek while quenching your thirst and decompressing to some good tunes. Something to consider the next time you pack your cycling bag: Repair kit? Check. Protein bar? Check. Helmet? Check. Heineken?'s your call.